As Seen on TV and...
Posted by Lou Valliere on
Grandpa Lou Views...
240926 - Grandpa Lou Reviews Team 3 of 52 teams of 8 Antique Rival Wisdoms that have Passed the Test of Time to Encourage, Educate and Entertain Generations for Centuries!
240914 - Get Paid to Make America Wiser and Kinder with Grandpa Lou
240820 - Grandpa Lou Dares You to Take the "Woke Quote" Challenge!
240808 - Grandpa Lou Reviews Team 2 of 52 Teams of 8
My Progressive Manifesto and Biz/Life Mission Statement
(July 10,2024) Grandpa Lou Helps Make America Wiser and Kinder with 52 Teams of 8 Woke Wisdoms... and JFK inauguration speech (Jan.20,1961)
Grandpa Lou's intro to Faster Reading Practice to Make America Wiser and Kinder at E3Me.Us 240703
Grandpa Lou's invitation to Make America Wiser and Kinder at E3Me.Us June 27, 2024...
June 26 2024
3/31/21 interview with Susan St. Denis on the JacksonvilleBuzz webcast
11/9/20... interviewed by Lena Pringle on Jacksonville TV station WJXT talking about my SocialEqualiTees Clothing Brand.
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and many years, pounds and haircuts ago...