Raise Funds or Earn Money Making Us All Wiser and Kinder
Education Stops Hate Fund Raising is an Easy way to Raise Funds for your Educational Organization or Business.
Sign-up to share profits below...
#1- Use our FREE Easy Wisdom Quiz workbooks (Easy Math Wisdom, Easy Cypher Wisdom and Easy Faster Reading Practice) to Encourage, Educate and Entertain students and anyone that can read.
#2- If any students or family use your organization's unique purchase code when buying products from our Free Easy Wisdom Sponsors, your organization will Earn 50% of our net profit for those sales.
#3- Since we Print-On-Demand (POD), we print as needed for each sale to lower pre-sale cost so our margins are low. However, if we get enough sales for the same product, we may be able to get a high-volume discount to lower our cost and raise the net profit split with your organization.
#4- Use and Promote our "Holidaze de Jour" Monthly Calendars Family Friendly Daily Holidays to Keep in Touch with Family, Friends, Prospects and Clients.